If you want to achieve a different result–you must change what you’re doing. It all starts with changing how you think. Most competitors focus way too much on the physical aspects of competition and far less than necessary on the mental disciplines. I’ve been saying this for years–mental training is the last frontier of dynamic, measurable change in all competitive arenas.

Hello–my name is David Carr, and whether you are a coach, a parent or a student athlete—this website and the book, Winning Through Mental Toughness–The Key to Success in Sports and in Life, are resources you’ll want to take advantage of. In the day and age in which we live, most everyone can stand a larger dose of mental toughness. What about you?
Even the most physically blessed and developed young athletes have a tendency to self-sabotage, choke, and blow opportunities. Does this ever happen to you, or your kids? Are you, your kids, or the kids you coach continually underachieving? Do you know why? If you want to know why this is happening to you, or athletes
you’re directly involved with, know this: you can learn how to achieve peak performance, under all circumstances, and win on a consistent basis. If you’re a coach, it can be modeled and taught. A culture of mentally tough warriors can be established over time. Winning can become the norm. With proven concepts and strategies, one can readily learn how to eliminate the psychological weights that literally destroy the hopes and dreams of all involved.
If winning is important to you, then take advantage of the opportunity to delve deeper into the content of this website and by all means, obtain a personal copy of this book: “Winning Through Mental Toughness–The Key to Success in Sports and in Life.” If I were a coach today, I’d do everything in my power to get a copy to every athlete I coached. It would become a part of my program. We would all get on the same page, figuratively and literally.

Remember, though this content is coming from a sports perspective, everything taught within this book and website can be applied to real life, enabling you to deal with every difficult, intimidating, unpredictable situation you will ever face in this world. The performance enhancing tools you will be encouraged and taught how to create will be invaluable. They will pay dividends to you in all kinds of ways for years and years to come.
Winning starts with a simple, but resolute, action-oriented decision. Start your journey now by obtaining a copy of this book to read, dissect, fill with notes and apply to your life. If you have it within you right now, to be a consistent “winner” then why put things off for another day? There will always be lots of reasons not to do just about anything that would be good for you, however I’ve found that it only requires ONE good reason to take positive action to do something special. It’s true, one good reason why you want or need to see yourself heading in a new direction is all it takes.
I don’t know what your one good reason might be. That always varies from person to person. I do know this– whatever your motivating reason is, the principles I’ve shared in this book will be a great help in your quest to reach that goal. Come up with your “why,” and the most important factor will be in place. The journey awaits. Say “yes” to your dreams.
David Carr